For ease of access, we dumb ourselves down for a lot of forms. But I know you & I aren’t that simple.
Hi there, full human being! I see that you’re complex and unique. However, could you please fit yourself in this box for me? To create your simple & easy profile, you just need to fill out this form!
Drop down menus. Check-all-that-apply boxes. We’ve all encountered these things that ask us to simplify ourselves for the ease of the system. It’s second-nature, at this point. (Even on our taxes— but, um, that one makes sense.)
But between you and me? I don’t really fit in those boxes. And I don’t think you do either. Even when something asks me to write down my name– do they mean my legal name? That’s just Jesse, then. But the name I go by? JesseMae! There’s just so many details these things miss out on.
You and I could sit down for a day and talk all our differences out, and we’d still need extra time to go over them all. I know someone who does fish husbandry for a hobby. I can tell you right now, that’s never on the check-the-box forms.

But why should you have to?
This is the default— but should it be? Do these boxes really help you out?
Fish husbandry is a unique one, I’ll give you that. But both of us have things that could, probably, go in boxes. For example: I technically do sports. Technically. The sport is archery, and that doesn’t tend to be in the drop-down menus.
So even when they technically fit, there are aspects of us that don’t get accounted for. It’s a shame we have to put ourselves, and our hobbies, in these boxes.
Imagine how much information is missed. The things that are ‘eh, that’s close enough’-ed into place, losing what was there originally. The lack of energy we all feel when faced with these. What could be made, if we all could give our all to these profiles, and have our all considered fully?
You shouldn’t have to box yourself in.
Our profiles don’t even require you to type. The perfect pairing is just a conversation away, and built specifically for you!
Here at CaringConnections, we don’t have boxes.
(Well. We do have categories, to sort everything, but that’s unrelated.)
Instead, when you start your journey with us, we make a profile together. You can talk, whenever you want, for as long as you want, as meandering as you want. Anything you want to say, relevant or not.
We take this info down, and use that to create your ‘profile’.
Each of our pairings are based on this holistic understanding of you. Our sophisticated artificial intelligence does the first round. It checks everything you had to say, and everything our companions had to say, and compares every word.
Based on the initial suggestions, we then go in and hand-pick someone for you. Based on location, hobbies, interests, background, abilities… it’s all kept in mind to ensure you meet someone who already clicks with you.
Now reap the rewards!
CaringConnections does the heavy lifting of companionship for you. You can go in knowing you’ve got somewhere to start.
You can get started right off the bat. There’s no need to waffle through the weather, or how bad the traffic was. When you’re matched with us, you can go in knowing what you have in common.
This helps those of us that aren’t as good at getting those relationships started. Or those that struggle to think of things to talk about, things to do. It also ensure that you’ll have anything to talk about. That’s the purpose of ‘pairing’: you have a much higher chance of ‘clicking’.
We do the heavy lifting for you. We find them, ensure they’re a safe person, and connect you with them all on our end. You don’t have to scroll through endless people to do it yourself. We’re always here as a backend person if issues with your match arise, and to do the coordination for you.
So if you want to step outside the box, come and say hi. You can get in touch with us at or (512) 996-1434 for a free profile making session with one of our companions. (Or to just ask us your questions!).
We’d love to hear from you!